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Financial problems can seem to creep up on us out of nowhere. It’s surprising how many people seem to be doing fine with their finances and then within a fairly short amount of time they encounter serious financial difficulties. Many times, the truth for a lot of people who find themselves in this situation is that they missed the first signs that there was a problem until it was too late.
With really easy access to credit in Canada, high levels of personal debt, and an uncertain economy, a lot of people are at risk of financial difficulty in the future.
If you’re feeling uneasy about your finances, that alone can be one of the first early warning signs of financial trouble.
To help you figure out if you’re vulnerable, here are a few telling signs that can reveal the early stages of financial problems:
If it seems as though two or more of these warning signs apply to your situation, then it’s time to take a hard look at your overall financial picture and how you are handling your finances.
Remember, if you and your family are experiencing any of the financial warning signs, we are here to help. Give us a call today and start your journey to financial health.